It's the third Wednesday of the month, which means it's time to meet our Reader Who Knits. DestiKNITters, meet Julie Dietz!
Julie, what are you working on right now?
Currently, I’m working on hats using up leftover yarn. I donate them to our Community Christmas project – several of the local organizations which provide assistance to families at Christmas time started pooling their efforts and resources a few years ago, and we do one, huge Christmas project which serves close to 1,000 families. Families get PJs, underwear, gifts, wrapping paper, blankets, and personal care products for all the children, and food for Christmas dinner. Hand-knit hats are a popular thing at the event, so…I’ll be busy with this from now until early December.
What feels like your favorite/greatest knitting accomplishment?
I have two:
- When I started knitting again in grad school, my first BIG project was the Vogue World Map Sweater. I didn’t know enough to know it was supposed to be difficult, so…..I just jumped in and made it for my mom. My daughter has it now – classic late 80s, oversized sweater she loves.
- Dale “Lillehammer” sweater for my husband.
What feels like the worst knitting mistake/foible/wrong choice you’ve ever made? Hmmm…..other than accidentally washing and felting said Lillehammer sweater last summer? I haven’t had any MAJOR disasters. But….I’ve learned to listen to potential recipients, and not try to convince them they’ll love something I’ve made for them when they have tried to tell me all along that they wouldn’t.
Straight needles or circular?
Circular all the way!
Metal or wood needles?
Depends. If the yarn is “sticky” I prefer metal, and if I’m trying to knit fast, I generally prefer metal. But I have to admit I love my rosewood circulars for almost everything.
White chocolate, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate?
Coffee or tea?
Coffee in the morning. Tea the rest of the day (Earl Grey, of course!).
What’s your favorite Allie novel?
What are you reading now?
Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice. Sorry – I’m prepping a graduate course in health behavior theory at the moment, so I don’t have much time to read for pleasure. I AM listening to the Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes in the car.
Do you have a favorite knitting character from a book, movie, or television show? Mrs. Weasley from the Harry Potter books, and Miss Marple!
Give a shout out to your favorite local yarn store
The Yarn Studio
2 E Main St.
Casey, IL 62460
As her prize for being featured, Julie chose a copy of The Lawman's Oklahoma Sweetheart for herself, a copy of The Firefighter's Match for her friend, and a ten-hank package of Cascade 220 in Dark Plum (thanks to our friends at Cascade Yarns!). If you'd like to be featured as a Reader Who Knits (or Crochets), email me at
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