Friday, February 19, 2010

Cupcake Cutie Hat from Needles 'n Pins

There's nice, and then there's...

Knitting: nice.

Knitting a cupcake: very nice.

Knitting a cupcake baby hat: flat-out euphoric.

If you sat down and tried to dream the most edifying way you could spend a couple of hours, this covers every sphere. Non-caloric, cutie-pie adorable knitted baked goods. Really, I think heaven might be filled with these. Well, these and real, edible cupcakes.

Did I mention I really like cupcakes? You’d be hard-pressed to find a DestiKNITions itinerary that doesn’t include cupcakes. So, I was grinning from ear to ear when Doreen at Needles ‘n Pins offered up this little goodie for my knit-along. Fold in the fact that a friend of mine is about to have a very-much-waited-for baby, and life has just fallen into perfect harmony.

The fiber here is part of the joy. Berroco’s Comfort DK is just about the softest thing ever, and machine washable, too (an absolute necessity for baby stuff, if you ask me). I’m starting on the “cake” portion of the cupcake--chocolate, of course--and this stuff feels like chocolate. Soft and smooth. My pulse goes down just fingering the stuff.

My recently acquired continental knitting is exceedingly handy in the 2x2 ribbing that makes up the bottom of this project. I do wish I had sharper circs in the size needed for this pattern--I’ve discovered I prefer a sharp point when I knit continental. Still, my addi Turbo’s are holding their own just fine, but it does make me crave those stunning Harmony needles KnitPicks offers (gotta save something for my birthday). I should add--or is that addi--that addi also makes a lace point to meet my needs, too.

No matter what else I can say about this project, I just adore the concept that I’m knitting.

A cupcake hat.

For a baby.

Pure bliss.

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