Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Clincher Bandana Scarf from Ewe-Nique Yarns - Day 1

The point of it all...

There’s something so artistic about a cake of hand-died yarn. I find both peace and motivation in the concentric circles of color.  I get to see what’s coming next—something that doesn’t happen often enough in my life—and that helps me to press onward.  "Just a few more rows until the purple shows up."  The dynamic simply makes me happy.

This scarf is a vertically knit triangle of ribbed rows.  And yes, we are starting at the narrow, "pointy" end.  And yes, that means the rows get longer.  I guess this challenge continues to surround me. 

Designer Ash Kearns adds a grand finale, however, in a happy loopy trim of i-cord that looks so ingenious I can’t wait to get to stitching it.

Quality wools are always a pleasure to knit; the loft, the elasticity, the way they sop up color.  This Prairie Spun Journey skein runs from green to purple to gray to blue and back again in a palette that reminds me of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  It is the color way designed for the 2015 Knitting Pipeline retreat—and it’s a beauty.

The simple four-row repeat was quickly memorized, making this excellent television and conference knitting.  I’ll be heading to Las Vegas in a few days for the RT Convention, so it’s an ideal project—beautiful but not too demanding at this stage.  Ewe-Nique Yarns has made me one delighted knitter!  

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