I should take into account my houseguest schedule when planning my knitting. This is serious, brain-cell-sucking pattern-work, not to be attempted in the presence of beloved young nieces. Which explains, by the way, why you’ve not heard from me. No way, no how was I going to attempt the double-pattern of this ankle with a high distraction quotient.
When I finally tackled it, however, I was pleasantly surprised. If one paid attention and went slowly, it wasn’t that hard. There was a sort of logic to the way the thing expanded, and the hard parts were interspersed with occasional pulse-lowering rows of pure stockinette. I think in the ten rows I’ve attempted I’ve only made one goof-up. Now that my house is quiet....er....quiet-ish, I’m ready for more.
Here’s a treat for being so patient. One of my houseguest jaunts was to the Morton Arboretum, where "Nature Unframed" art installations currently grace the grounds. Lucky for me, one of them is a “yarnbombing.” Everyone in my party--knitters and non-knitters alike--loved this piece by Carol Hummel of Ohio called “Lichen It!”
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