Yesterday was one of those days where n-o-t-h-i-n-g got accomplished. A sick child absconded with my day--as children in need are supposed to do, so don’t get me wrong--but I was exhausted by the time evening rolled around. You know those days where you look at the list of things you were planning to get done and this horrible empty hole takes over your insides? I remember when the kids were very young, my husband would come home and ask the Worst of All Questions: “What did you do today?” A wise friend advised me to grin...ahem grit my teeth...and answer “I got through it.” Those kinds of days happen all the time when our children are very young. Much less when they’re older...but it still happens. The resurgence begins again when our elderly parents and their emergencies begin to abscond with our days, too. No one blames the causal parties, it’s just the way things are.
Those days are the best days of all to find a tiny sliver of time and knit. And this kind of chunky, cheerful scarf is just the perfect project. Quick pace, lots of progress, and a happy, energetic color. Knitting, unlike lots of life, stays knitted. Life has a pesky habit of coming unraveled the moment we turn our backs. Unless you have a curious child or a devious cat in the house, your knitting is likely to stay knitted. You see progress. A six inch span of creation that you have, despite all the forces working against you, accomplished.
And that is a very satisfying thing indeed.
Stitch DC seems to out of business. Where can I get this Mega Cable Scarf?
Stitch DC appears to be out of business. Chevy Chase and Georgetown have closed. I am not certain about Capitol Hill. Where might I find the Mega Cable Scarf pattern?
The Capitol Hill store still seems to be very much alive and kicking! Head on over to
You'll see the scarf pattern on the list of free patterns on the right side of the blog.
Thanks for stopping by!
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