There will be no impulsive daisy ditching, people...
I’ve enjoyed this project, although I’ll openly admit if I go to my grave without encountering the double daisy motif ever again, it’ll be okay. I botched that thing every single time, and hopefully it won’t show when I block this scarf.
I’ve finished the next-to-final section, but I’m going to set this aside for a bit before I do the bind-off pattern. I have more than enough yarn to go farther, and I want to take some time away from aforementioned dasterdly double daisy before I decide if I want to keep the scarf short or add some more sections to make it longer. I don’t want to opt for short just to ditch the double daisy, which I am in danger of doing if I make that choice now.
I figure I can be more objective after I’ve had the diversion of the entrelac scarf from A Tangled Skein that is our next project. And after some new adventures in the Denver stores I’ll be visiting in a few days to research the next DestiKNITions episode--that’s right folks, we’ll be spending November in Denver! And, yes, there will be cupcakes. You knew there would be. And coffee, because you knew there would be that, too.
Speaking of delectable goodies, here’s my haul from the fabulous Stitches Midwest. I decided ahead of my visit that I would splurge on three pairs of Signature needles, indulging my love of luxe knitting tools. I’m a big fan of Lantern Moon wooden needles, but the passing over of slipped stitches required on my Aylin’s scarf was making me cranky on the blunter points of the Lantern Moons. So, looked at my next three projects and bought Signature “stiletto” point needles for each of them. They are, indeed, like jewelry. They feel lovely. I put them to immediate use within hours of coming home, as well as my cool chart markers. Splendid. Absolutely splendid. Now I feel like a true aficionado. Or is that an aficionknitto?
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