Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Welcome! I'm in the process of setting up house right now, so look back in January to see my launch travel itinerary for CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. If you're looking for plans (or just armchair traveling) for a knitting-based weekend in this charming city, we'll have fabulous ideas for you in:
-the best yarn stores
-suggested patterns and fibers
-where to get your java fix
-where to get your sugar fix
-ideas on where to stay
-picks for great food

And, of course, a healthy dose of humor (knitting and otherwise!)

1 comment:

A happy heart at home said...

I lived in Charleston for a while. My oldest daughter was born there. She'll be 32 this month.

I just got your email newsletter. Looking forward to Bluegrass book #2 and excited to learn that there will be two more!
